Online VIPASSANA Meditation Course
Service Description
I attended the countries leading retreat centre, completing an intensive 10 day, 100 hour Vipassana Course in 2019. It was the eve of lockdown, the outbreak of COVID. I was released from the immersive bubble of the centre into a strange new world! The centre required complete silence, not a word spoken, no eye contact, music, exercise, writing........no phones or contact with the outside world. Simply an hours Dharma (teaching) & 10 hours daily seated meditation. The experience changed me absolutely! Profoundly & positively assisting me with strategies needed to cope, not only during this period of COVID, but also during a subsequent cancer diagnosis. This lead to a difficult year of investigations & operations.. But my chin was above water!! My heart was calm........my head clear! Not all of us are able to 'clear the decks' for 10 days & drop our lives, leaving everything behind. Not all are physically capable of sitting for hours at a time in a cross legged position. Not all of us wish to hand ourselves over to a place where the rigidity of no speaking, or touching, or reading etc is possible........& yet so many of us desperately seek vital tools to learn the profound skills that meditation offers. Meditation WORKS to change patterns of negative thought, that promote a sense of peace, or balance, that offers us glimpses of a calm within which helps to fend off the inevitable daily stresses & strains of modern life! So many of us are affected by sleep imbalances, depression, low level anxieties & worries that nibble away at the quality of our lives, sometimes causing rifts in our personal relationships, just dragging us down! The course I have written & deliver systematically breaks down the teachings of Buddhas Vipassana Meditation into chunks of weekly learning sessions that you build upon & undertake, slowly, step by step over 5 weeks..... It WILL radically transform the way you feel & live... Take a moment to read my testimonials & get in contact with me for any more info you might need before signing up on the next ESMEYOGA online meditation course! I guarantee change, or your payment back!