Re-balancing SHIATSU Treatment
Service Description
£45 1 Hour Like acupuncture, Shiatsu is based on principals that the body has pathways, or channels, through which balanced energy moves when healthy. Along these pathways lie many ‘points’ that can be utilised to generate change & encourage balance to return. Shiatsu uses finger pressure, varied hand techniques, particular joint rotations, stretches & a practitioner spends several years being trained in traditional methods of 'listening' to how the body reveals blockages, trapped, imbalanced, or 'stuck' energy centres within these channels.... Using a wide range of ancient palpation methods, intuition & more contemporary Western bodywork manipulations, a Shiatsu therapist aims to work with an individual to 'restore factory settings'..... I diagnose using the traditional 3000 year old Chinese medical ‘5 Element’ approach, as well as Western insights into physiology and also a sensitivity toward emotional understanding through questioning. These varied tools assist me in diagnosing how & why certain health disorders may be present in a particular individual. Having over 12 years of Shiatsu clinical experience, I understand that imbalance requires holistic enquiry into our complete self. This is the body, also the mind, & the spirit! Disharmony in one or more of these centres often creates the cause, & subsequent pattern, for unease, injury or ill health. My treatment sessions last an hour. They follow up from an initial first appointment where a fully comprehensive consultation is taken with each new client in order to thoroughly diagnose & effectively treat that individual . Please find the initial first treatment in a separate service box above, as this in depth session requires at least 90 minutes with you.....